LysoTracker Green DND-26


SKU: MB6042 Category:


Molecular Formula: C18H26BClF2N4O

Molecular Weight: 398.69

Ex/Em (nm): 504/511

Appearance: Yellow solution

Storage Condition: Store at -20°C



LysoTracker® series probes are a type of fluorescent dye for selective staining of acidic compartments in live cells. These probes have several important features:(1). Selectively marks acidic organelles.(2). Effective at nanomolar (nM) concentrations in live cells.(3). Available in multiple colors, allowing multi-labeling experiments based on sample requirements. The structure of LysoTracker® consists of a fluorescent group and an attached weak base, which can freely cross the cell membrane, generally accumulating in spherical organelles, suitable for observing lysosomal internal biosynthesis and related disease mechanisms.

LysoTracker® Green DND-26 is a green fluorescent labeled lysosomal probe, with a maximum excitation/emission wavelength of 504/511 nm. This product is provided as a 1 mM storage solution dissolved in anhydrous DMSO. All materials are imported from the USA.

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Usage Statement

Research Use Only (RUO)

All sales are subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale set forth on our website.



50μl, 50μlx20