MeilunBio Exosome Isolation Kit(for Serum)


SKU: MA0404 Category:

Product Description

Exosomes are small membrane vesicles (30-150 nanometers) containing complex RNA and protein cargo, secreted by various cell types during culture and abundant in bodily fluids (including blood, saliva, urine, and breast milk). Exosomes are considered cell-to-cell messengers, facilitating the transfer of effector molecules or signaling factors between specific cells. However, the formation, composition, and biological pathways involving exosomes remain incompletely understood.

Biological studies on exosome function and transport necessitate the isolation of intact exosomes. The Meilunbio Exosome Isolation Kit (for serum) is specifically designed for isolating exosomes from serum samples. This product offers a simple and reliable method for concentrating intact exosomes from serum samples: by binding water molecules, it forces the less soluble components (i.e., exosomes) to leave the solution, enabling the separation of a large quantity of exosomes from the sample through a simple low-speed centrifugation step. Compared to traditional ultracentrifugation methods, this kit applies less pressure on exosomes in the sample, preserving their integrity, and requires shorter processing time, lower starting sample volume, and higher extraction efficiency. Exosomes obtained using this kit are suitable for various downstream experiments, including RNA analysis, high-throughput sequencing, and cell co-culture.

This kit is sufficient to isolate exosomes from 30 mL of serum.


Exosome Isolation Kit (from Serum) results validation

(A) Mouse serum exosome extraction results of MeilunBio compared with international brands; (B) Mouse serum exosome surface marker CD9 western blot validation results (anti-CD9 primary antibody was purchased from abcam (ab92726); (C) Particle size distribution of serum exosomes (mouse); (D) NTA video frame of serum exosome (mouse) samples. (C) (D) Data proved that the NTA of exosomes extracted by MeilunBio and international brands are nearly the same. Instrument model: ZetaView PMX 110 (Particle Metrix, Meerbusch, Germany). (E) Comparison of total amount of RNA extracted from serum exosomes (rat). Each selected 400ul of adult rat serum, using international brand and MeilunBio serum exosome isolation kit respectively, the resulting exosomes continued to extract RNA and determine the total amount.

The results showed that the total amount extracted by MeilunBio was higher than that of the international brand.

Shipping and Storage 

  • Storage:Store at 2-8°C, valid for one year.
  • Shipment:

Usage Statement

Research Use Only (RUO)

All sales are subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale set forth on our website.


1mL, 6mL